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Switch Collective

Two youngsters will begin your journey through Switching Queens: Back Alley Galaxies’s sound scapes of words, sounds, music and poetry. You will meet some fictionalised and real humans in a sharing of Indigenous practices and transmutation between so-called human and animal species, entities and spirits. While you explore the wonderful land on which the neighbourhood of Parkdale stands, the Collective will interrogate the challenges, some stemming from colonialism, capitalism, gentrification, the area and its inhabitants have faced. Members of the Switch Collective have deep roots in Parkdale and all possess a great sense of wonder. Astronomy, nature, animals, the great spectrum of human souls that dwell in this part of Toronto. Treat yourself by allowing the Switch Collective to share their vision of Parkdale with you. 
b current values accessibility which is why we made the decision to offer this Walk for free. The trade off is costly: it means we do not know anything about the Walk’s audience and we cannot gauge the success of our endeavour. And, so, yes, you could go to straight to an app store and bypass THIS LINK but please consider taking a moment to fill this out so we are not operating in the dark. If you would like to support b current, please refer to our DONATE page so we can keep bringing you great programming. Thank you for your generosity and enjoy the Walks! 

Please note:

Switching Queens Banner.JPG

Listen to Switching Queens HERE


created by 

The Switch Collective (Anna Malla, danjelani ellis, Jody Chan, Naty Tremblay, Sedina Fiati) with guest collaborator Leon Tsai



Anna Malla - Direction, design, editing

Kaija Siirala - Sound Design & Mixing


Kiley May - excerpt from “Ghost Walker”

Brescia Nember-Reid - Song “Someday you’re gonna die” 

Andrea Thompson - Interview 

b solomon - poem “This Tree”

Suzette Clarke - Interview


Parkdale Women’s Leadership Group & Parkdale People’s Economy - Miru Yogarajah, Anthony Riley, Mercedes Sharpe, Nadia Rajaram, Ko Hosoya, Stephanie Francis, Ida Smith, Sha Ally, Beryl-Ann Mark, Bernadette Rilloraza, Lobsang Doflrar - interviews and collaborative creative dreaming about Parkdale futures



In partnership with

PARC - Parkdale Activity and Recreation Centre

RAW - Raging Asian Womxn Taiko Drummers 

SKETCH Working Arts

Parkdale Women’s Leadership Group

Parkdale People’s Economy

Masaryk Cowan Community Centre


With support from:

Canada Council for the Arts


Previous incarnations of the project have been supported by: 

Summerworks Festival

Canada Council for the Arts

Toronto Arts Council

Ontario Arts Council

Switching Queens was created by

The Switch Collective
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Photo by Kara Manso
Funded by:
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